
权力的游戏精读:词义辨析lie or lay?

阿天 2015-05-25 10:37
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“The camp is two miles farther on, over that ridge, hard beside a stream,” Will said. “I got close as I dared. There’s eight of them, men and women both. No children I could see. They put up a lean-to against the rock. The snow’s pretty well covered it now, but I could still make it out. No fire burning, but the firepit was still plain as day. No one moving. I watched a long time. No living man ever lay so still.”

ridge 山脊

hard beside,紧邻,紧紧挨着。多学习不同的表达,丰富自己的词汇,英语表述时也会更加形象。是不是比一个next to 更加的形象了?

No children I could see. 这里I could see 是前边no children 的定语。英语是将重要的成分放在前,当词组或者句子用作修饰成分时统统后置,这是一个英语思维表示方式。这句相当于:孩子,我没有看到。(There weren’t any children that I could see.)

firepit,pit 是指小坑。这里有个野外生存小知识,如果在野外生活遇到地面比较潮湿(小说此场景的背景地是在雪原),就要挖个小坑,底部垫上整块新伐原木或者用石块将篝火同地面隔离开。另外围住的坑也更利于保留热量。

火焰,flame; 余烬,embers。

be plain as day,plain 有多个含义。首先最为广义的就是指明显的,清楚的,= very clear,obvious。短语as plain as day 就等义于as the nose on your face(像你脸上有个鼻子)一样明显。 常用强调句型: it is plain that…  It is plain that Games of Throne is very popular.

同义替换还有很多词,如evident, apparent, distinct, overt...相较于这些词plain 是不是更加容易记忆呢?而且又显得比仅仅使用clear更有逼格一些,这样在作文中运用就不会雷同于他人,也不会由于单词太难导致拼写错误给自己挖坑。 另外plain 表示简单的,无修饰的=simple。plain yoghurt, 就是原味酸奶了。a plain gold ring ,样式简单的金戒指。plain 还可以指女人长相平平,没有姿色,暗指不漂亮, plain Jane。

lay 这里是lie 躺的过去式。ever/never + 过去式(表过去时)是指过去有过(或未有过)的经验。I never went there. 我从没去过那里I didn’t ever think of that 我从未想过这个。He was ever careful. 他一向小心谨慎。

lie作为躺的意思时,其过去式和过去分词分别为lay, lain。现在分词lying。


lie 还可以作名词,是谎言的意思。

lay 作为动词原形有放置,平放的意思;另外还有下蛋的意思。其过去式和过去分词都为laid。 现在分词laying。

He lying in bed lied that his turtle laid 100 eggs.

lying 躺在床上(现在分词),lied 撒谎 (过去式),laid 下蛋(过去式)
