
苹果iPad 2今日在美正式出售 现场火爆(双语组图)

2011-03-12 12:17
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购得iPad 2 的果粉亮相

A customer carries two new iPad 2s he purchased minutes after they went on sale at Apple's flagship store in New York.

第一位购买到iPad 2 的果粉振臂欢呼中。为了购机他已经排了28小时的队。


The iPad 2 has hit the shops and analysts expect demand to be much stronger than for the original iPad last year.

iPad 2是苹果公司推出的第二款平板电脑产品,是iPad的升级版本。


Big lines formed early in yesterday morning outside of Apple stores in San Francisco and New York. Other retailers did not draw as many crowds. A representative for Target said that no significant lines had formed in those stores.

美国东部时间3月11日,下午17点,iPad 2正式发售。苹果店人山人海,一小时之内所有的iPad 2被抢购一空。


The iPad 2 goes on sale in Australia and the rest of the world later this month.

在本月的25日,iPad 2将登陆澳大利亚、加拿大、意大利、日本等25个国家。


Before they began letting in the roped off crowd, what appeared to be around a hundred Apple employees got a rousing pep talk and began clapping their hands. Their enthusiasm appeared genuine from my distance. The security guard on the left did not partake in the festivities.

苹果iPad 2于美国率先上市

Apple allowed everyone in line to buy two iPad 2s. Shockingly, most of them did. There are reports that many people at today’s launch intend to resell their new tablets online.



Inside the store, there were dozens of iPad 2s displayed for use. The slogan on the wall read “Thinner. Lighter. Faster. Facetime. Smartcovers. 10 hour battery life.” The slogan says it all.

相较于第一代iPad平板,iPad 2的外形更薄、速度更快、体重更轻。


The iPad 2 went on sale at Apple stores in the US as well as at Best Buy, Target and Walmart.

据悉,负责本次苹果iPad 2销售的实体店将包括苹果公司美国官方零售店、零售商Best Buy、Target、沃尔玛以及苹果公司授权零售店等。
