On Packaging
Ji Xianlin
1,“答案好像是明摆着的”即“答案毋庸置疑”译为beyond dispute或past all dispute, beyond 经常用于表示“无…可”的词中,之前就见到过beyond reproach
2,两句话,出现了两个“变得越来越…”当然要争取让他们不一样了~因此译者分别译为get more and more/get increasingly
综述:注意beyond 和“越来越”这两点~
In the course of several thousand years of his cultural history, man has acquired a more and more thorough and detailed understanding of the universe, the human world, life and society—in short, everything under heaven. Examples are legion. Our ancestors, out of their fondness for the moon and curiosity about it, created the legend of beautiful Chang’e flying to the moon. And Su Dongpo, a great poet of the Song Dynasty, wrote the following lines as a matter of course:
The Bright Moon, when will she appear?
Wine cup in hand, I ask the azure sky.
I don’t know inside the heavenly palace
What time of year it is tonight.
Today, man has managed to land on the moon and even come back bringing with him some of its clods. Chang’e and her heavenly palace simply don’t exist.
1,“人类对宇宙,对人世,对生命,对社会,总之对人世间所有的一切,越来越了解得透彻、细致,如犀烛隐,无所不明”译为man has acquired a more and more thorough and detailed understanding of the universe, the human world, life and society—in short, everything under heaven.其中“如犀烛隐,无所不明”并未译出,因其意思已包含在上下文中
2,“例子伸手可得”译为Examples are legion,其中legion意为“比比皆是的;不胜枚举的;多如牛毛的”,如:The number of women who become pregnant after adopting children is legion. (领养小孩后怀孕的妇女比比皆是。)这个词可用numerousmyriadcountlessmany numberless代替~
3,“于是就说有一个美女嫦娥奔入月宫”即“杜撰了嫦娥奔月的神话”译为created the legend of beautiful Chang’e flying to the moon.其中the legend 是增译的,表解释说明。
4,“连苏东坡这个宋朝伟大的诗人,也不禁要问出”译为And Su Dongpo, a great poet of the Song Dynasty, wrote the following lines as a matter of course.其中as a matter of course作状语译为“自然而然地”比can’t help doing更贴合文意
5,“明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天 上宫阙,今夕是何年?”意思是“明月什么时候出现的?(我)端着酒杯问青天.不知道天上的神仙宫阙里,现在是什么年代了.”译为The Bright Moon, when will she appear?
Wine cup in hand, I ask the azure sky.
I don’t know inside the heavenly palace
What time of year it is tonight.
1,“可是我又提出了问题”译为Nevertheless, I also would like to bring forward some facts,根据后文可知,此处的“问题”即“事实”,因此译为facts
1,“在家中穿得朴朴素素”译为Women dress casually at home.其中dress casually意为“穿得随随便便”,“穿便服”,也可译为dress simply /plainly at home
2,“珠光宝气,花枝招展”说的是一个意思译为“盛装打扮”be gorgeously dressed,这个表达在《杂感集》中也见到过,学习时一定要注意前后联系记忆~
3,“高跟鞋跟敲地作金石声,香气直射十步之外,路人为之’侧目’”译为On the streets, the loud clip-clop of their high-heeled shoes and the strong aroma of their perfume will attract public attention far and wide.其中“作金石声”直译起来略困难,因此我们可采用拟声词the loud clip-clop表达,clip-clop表示一种类似于马蹄的“呱嗒声”~
4,“十步之外,路人为之’侧目’”,采用意译法,译为attract public attention far and wide.
5,“这就是…”译为that’s what I/we mean by…这个表达也很常见,在《容忍》中也有出镜
1,“一概而论”或“同日而语”译为should not be mentioned in the same breath,其中in the same breath意为“同时”,如:He hailed this week's arms agreement but in the same breath expressed suspicion about the motivations of the United States. (他为本周达成的武器协议而欢呼,但同时又对美国的动机表示怀疑。)
2,“一问才知道”译为I also learned on inquiry,on inquiry意为“经询问,经调查”
1,“达到了匪夷所思的地步”如果直译,即have reached an unimaginable degree,然而译者却采用了更为灵活的意译,即is fantastically overdone,更加形象生动~
2,“或木,或纸,或金属”讲的是木盒的材质,因此译为made of wood, paper or metal,
3,“五彩缤纷、璀璨耀目”译为colorful and dazzling
4,“煞费周折”译为it is also a big headache to
5,“很希望发现一张纸条上面写着:此处距商品尚有10公里!庶不致使我失去寻找的信心。”译为You will probably wish for a slip of paper therein bearing the written note, “10 more kilometers to the commodity!” so as to retain your confidence in the search.其中wish for作“盼望”解,往往针对不可能实现的事物;therein是增益的,译为“从中”。
6,“庶不致使我失去寻找的信心”即“以便保持寻找的信心”译为so as to retain your confidence in the search.
1,“据我粗略的统计”译为According to my rough statistics
2,“羊毛出在羊身上”现在一般形容商家所谓的打折优惠,其实还是摊在消费者身上,因为上下文有对这句话确切含义的解释,因此直译为the wool still comes from the sheep’s back
3,“华美绝伦的包装”译为the flash package,其中flashy有“华而不实”之意,比beautiful,gorgeous,exquisite更加确切
4,“反驳”=say in retort