

2011-07-16 09:00
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Iranian state television has aired footage that showed surface-to-sea missiles being tested. Al-Alam TV reported that three missiles were launched at dummy targets in Iranian territorial waters in the Oman Sea, as well as in international waters.

The launches were part of 10-day military exercises, which end on Thursday, dubbed "Great Prophet 6". Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps said the missile maneuver conducted by the IRGC in the past 10 days was successful and achieved its objectives. A military spokesman said that all the missiles used in the war-game were optimized by the Iranian experts and are ready to be used for defensive purposes.


state television:国家电视台
surface-to-sea missiles:地对舰导弹
territorial waters:领海
Oman Sea:阿曼海
military exercises:军事演习
Great Prophet 6:伟大先知6
Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps:伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队

