

2011-07-05 08:00
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A spokesman from China's National Defense Ministry says disputes in the South China Sea should be dealt with by countries directly involved and through peaceful negotiations. Colonel Yang Yujun made the remarks on Wednesday during a press conference in Beijing.

Colonel Yang Yujun, Spokesman of Ministry of National Defense, said, "China's position on the South China Sea Dispute, has been consistent and clear cut. Disputes should be dealt with bilaterally with countries in the region. As to the freedom of navigation, we don't think freedom of navigation has ever been comprised by differences over the region. Peace and stability in the south China Sea, is in the common interest of all countries, in the Asia-Pacific region, including China and the US. We hope that related countries can do more to maintain peace and stability there. "


China's National Defense Ministry:中国国防部
South China Sea:南海
peaceful negotiations:和平谈判
press conference:记者招待会
clear cut:clear-cut,明确的
Peace and stability:和平与稳定
Asia-Pacific region:亚太地区

