

2011-03-29 09:00
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n. 铅锤  v. 1. 用铅锤测量  2. 探测,了解  3.陷入的深渊

例如:When his friend was killed, he plumbed the depths of despair.(他的朋友被害后,他陷入了绝望的深渊。)

tv. 垂直(或突然)落下

例如:A plane plummeted to earth.(一架飞机一头栽向地面。)

v. 1. 偷猎(或捕杀)2. 水煮

例如:He has been poaching on her land for years, poaching mainly fish and rabbits.(数年来他一直在她的土地上偷猎, 主要捕鱼和偷猎兔子。)

rkn. 痘痕

nta. 辛辣的,伤人感情的

例如:It is especially poignant that he died on the day before his wedding.(他在婚礼前一天去世了, 这尤其令人伤感。)

tyn. 1. 磁性引力  2. (性格)正相反

cn. 争论,论战

n. 花粉

sa. 浮夸的,自负的

例如:He was very pompous at the meeting.(他在会上表现得很自负。)

n. 罂粟


rn. (枪的)扳机  v. 激发起,引起

例如:The incident triggered an armed clash.(这起事件触发了一场武装冲突。)

yn. 三部曲

v. 1. 修剪  2. 装饰

例如:The gardener trimmed the hedge.(那位园林工人修剪了树篱。)

n. 无关紧要的事物(细节或信息)

例如:She was not interested in thetrivia of gossip.(她对琐碎的流言蜚语不感兴趣。)

n. 1. 回归线  2. (pl)热带地区

eshootern. 解决问题的能手

neckn. 高领(毛衣)

gen. 1. 保护,监护,守护  2. 指导,教导

例如:He made good progress under her tutelage.(他在她的教导下进步很大。)

htn. (日出前或日落后的)曙光,薄暮

例如:You'll most likely see these animals at twilight.(黄昏时分你很可能会看到这些动物。)

v. 1.(使)转动  2.(使)盘绕  3.快速转动,旋转  n. 急转

例如:She twirled the pencil round in her fingers.(她用手指转动铅笔。)

