
【英语点心】Pull Someone's Leg 开某人玩笑

2011-04-25 08:00
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1. If you pull someone's leg, what are you doing?

  a) having a fight

  b) joking with them

2. What does Nina say she is doing this evening?


1. Joking with them

2. Going on a date with David Beckham. 


You’re listening to British Council’s English Online and I’m Nina. Today on Language Snacks we take a look at the expression to pull someone’s leg.

Let’s listen to the dialogue.

A: I met David Beckham in a pub last night and he bought me a drink.

B: Are you pulling my leg?

I’ve noticed that the British people I work with are always joking and teasing each other. If you tell someone something that is not true as a way of joking with them, then you are said to be pulling their leg.

Anyway, I have to go now I have a date with David Beckham this evening….nahh …just pulling your leg!

And that’s it for now – join us again for some more Language Snacks. You’ve been listening to English Online – the podcast for English learners in China.

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