

Tim Sculthorpe & James Tapsfield 2016-07-07 14:07
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Theresa May insists she is the only leadership candidate who can unite the Conservative Party and the UK after the historic decision to leave the European Union.

The Home Secretary stormed to a first round victory in the Tory leadership contest, securing 165 votes to leave her rivals trailing.

Mrs May scored half of the 329 votes cast - one more than all the other candidates put together. Speaking after the result on Tuesday she said: 'I am pleased with this result and very grateful to my colleagues for their support.'

'There is a big job before us: to unite our party and the country, to negotiate the best possible deal as we leave the EU, and to make Britain work for everyone.'

'I am the only candidate capable of delivering these three things as prime minister, and tonight it is clear that I am also the only one capable of drawing support from the whole of the Conservative Party.'

