

江江 2014-04-18 17:30
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时间:3月20日(星期四) 19:30 - 20:30



介 绍:多年国内知名培训机构一线授课经验,培养了众多高分学员。主教托福听力阅读,雅思听力阅读,SAT填空阅读,以及一些相关的英语口语课程。近年来,各 类英语讲座百场,每次讲座都能激发学员的学习兴趣和热潮。重在指明学习思路和方向,一直坚持:学习必须由内而外地学,如果内心是抵触的,迷茫的,目标不明 确的,还不如去谈场恋爱来得有教育意义!





Jin Xing, born August 13, 1967 in Shenyang, Liaoning is a modern dancer, choreographer and actress from China.
Owner of the contemporary dance theatre "Shanghai Jin Xing Dance Theatre".
She is one of the first few trans women officially recognized by the Chinese government.
She is the most prevalent, professional and meticulous judge for dance competition in China.
Born to ethnic Korean parents, she was assigned male at birth. She expressed high enthusiasm in dance performance.
At the age of 9 she joined the People's Liberation Army to receive dance and military training.
She experienced strong transsexual desires early in life.
1987, Jin went to New York to study modern dance for four years, and then traveled and performed in Europe, and taught dance in Rome from 1991 to 1993, followed by a world tour, and returned to China at the age of 26.
She underwent sex reassignment surgery in 1996. Her left leg was paralyzed for a while after the surgery.
After the recovery she went to Shanghai to choreograph and train students. At the age of 33 she adopted a son. She now lives with her three adopted children and her German husband in Shanghai.

①Stay honest to your own life. When confronted with options, it is the sacred voice from inside your heart that matters, instead of others.
In your twenties, you are free to enjoy freedom which is granted equally to every one without any hesitation. Whereas, when it is in your thirties, responsibilities should be marked in your mind without escape and dodge.
②Repeating simple stuff makes you an expert. However, deliberately conducting repetition generates a victor.
I've been a woman all the time. Only in the male realm had I camouflaged myself for 28 years.
③Life is all about making choices, deciding and discarding. Although the corresponding result is vague, it always works as long as your option matches your conscientiousness: what you decide doesn't go against your soul.
④Anyone's wonderful life can not be duplicated, only to learn or appreciate. You are getting lost when you begin to copy.
Concrete solitude happens when few people understand you around your living space. However, those who posses fulfilled hearts will never feel lonely for they can converse with any objects in nature including grasses.
⑤Chances knock when you are promoting yourself. It seems that you are holding your horses during the procedure. Actually, intransigence dominates your inner bones, because you clearly understand why you are keeping silent with a more magnificent goal, which will guide your further.
⑥As the old saying goes in China, revenge is a dish that should be eaten cold. But when the decade has elapsed, that revenge is minimized to a tiny chore, which indicates that you've been upgraded once again. therefore, please applaud those perceivable viciousness. There must be the day honoring your endeavors and then you will smile to the "revenge" once you held.

Only truth resonates.(江江译) 

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