

2012-12-27 18:00
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Can you remember dreams? What did you dream last night? Oh yes. It was terrible. I dreamed that I was chased by someone or something. I don't remember very well. So I was running all the time. This is a very common type of dream. Over 70% of people have dreamed that they were being chased or pursued by something and often in the dream they find themselves unable to flee for one reason or another. These often occur during periods of great anxiety and may be related to frustrating situations which are frequently occurring in their waking life. Anxiety dreams are amongst the most common types reported and are particularly common amongst women, 78%. Only 63% of men experience them. How about dreams of violence? Dreams featuring scenes of violence are much more common amongst men, 50%, than amongst women, 44%. The difference is not very great. Perhaps men are simply more likely to talk about violent things and it must be remembered that women are often the most ardent fans of TV westerns and wrestling programmes. Are there any more kinds of dreams that men experience more than women? Yes. When people are tight in finances, they often have dreams which involved finding coins showering from a slot machine or picking up money from the ground. About a quarter of men have had this kind of dream, but only 15% of women. This probably relates to the fact that money matters more likely to preoccupy the male than the female.
你能记得梦么?你昨晚梦到什么了? 记得。太可怕了。我梦到我被什么人还是什么东西追,记不太清了。我就一直在跑。 这种梦很常见的。70%以上的人都梦到过被追赶,而且经常由于种种原因无法逃脱。人在现实中比较焦虑或处境堪忧的时候就容易梦到这些。焦虑的梦是比较普遍的,尤其是对于女人来说,有78%。但只有63%的男人做过这种梦。 那梦到暴力呢? 有暴力场景的梦在男人里比较常见,有50%,但女人中只有44%梦到过这些。差别不是很大。也许男人只是比女人更多地谈论暴力,但别忘了女人才是西部片和搏斗节目的忠实粉丝。 那有什么梦是男人比女人更容易做的吗? 有的。当人们资金紧张时,就容易梦到天上掉钱、老虎机吐钱或者捡钱之类的。有四分之一的男人都做过这种梦,但只有女人中只有15%做过。这也许是因为钱对男人的精神影响更大。 ——by vincit 欢迎讨论