

2012-12-20 22:15
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全文听写,英式拼法 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS Morris Bob Sales Association 拼写格式为B-E-A-R Bill Smith Birmingham Grant Hotel 电话号码按停顿空格 [/color]
Mr Morris's office. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. May I speak to Mr Morris? I'm afraid he's not in at the moment. Who's calling? This is Bob Ross of the Sales Association speaking. Sorry, I didn't catch your name. Bob Ross. R-O-S-S. Do you have any idea what time he'll be back? No, I don't, Mr Ross. Would you like to leave a message? Yes. Will you tell Mr Morris that I talked with Bill Smith in London this morning? Bill Smith? That's right. Bill told me that they are planning to have a sales meeting in Birmingham, on the 12th, 13th and 14th of May. Yes, I have that, Birmingham, May 12th, 13th and 14th. Right. And tell him that Bill said that they would like to have Mr Morris speak to the group on the morning of the 12th. They want Mr Morris to speak to the group? Yes. At nine o'clock on the morning of the 12th. There will be about 80 people in the group. I see. Mr Morris will be speaking to a group of about 80 people. Yes. About 80 salesmen, from all over the country. And they'd like him to describe the new marketing plans. Where is the meeting to be held? At the Grant Hotel. Anything else? No, that's the message. May I have your phone number? Just in case. Yes. That's 805 7492. Thank you very much. You're welcome, Mr Ross. I'll give Mr Morris the message as soon as he comes back.
下午好,这里是莫里斯办公室。 下午好。请找一下莫里斯先生。 恐怕不行,他现在不在。请问您是? 我是销售部的Bob Ross。 不好意思,麻烦您再重复一下您的名字。 Bob Ross。R-O-S-S。你知道他什么时候能回来么? 不知道。您要不要留个言? 好的。那麻烦你告诉莫里斯先生我早上跟伦敦的Bill Smith谈过了。 Bill Smith? 对。Bill说他们要在伯明翰开个销售会议,五月12、13、14号三天。 好的。我记下了,伯明翰,五月12、13、14号。 然后告诉他Bill说他们需要莫里斯先生12号早上来讲话。 他们需要莫里斯先生来讲话? 是的。12号早上九点,大概有80人与会。 好的。莫里斯先生需要给80人讲话。 是的。大概80个来自去全国各地的销售人员。他们需要莫里斯先生来讲一下新的营销计划。 那会议在哪儿举行呢? Grant酒店。 还有什么其他的吗? 没了,就这些。 您能留个电话么?为防万一。 可以。805 7492。谢谢。 不客气。莫里斯先生一回来我就转告他。 ——by vincit 欢迎讨论