

2012-12-18 19:00
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全文听写,英式拼法 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS Mozart Requiem Mass Don Giovanni [/color]
Mozart never finished the Requiem Mass. At the age of only 35, he died before being able to complete it. At the time of Mozart's death, he was still very poor. His wife could only afford a cheap funeral. Mozart's body was dumped in a common pauper's grave. To this day, the whereabouts of his grave is unknown. Mozart was unique in that he composed music in his head. While he would be writing down one piece, another would be developing in his mind. Part of Mozart's greatness and eternal appeal is that, like none of his predecessors, his music is filled with emotion-filled harmony, personal musicianship, effortless handling of technique, rich imagination and colour. Operas before him dealt with heavenly beings, demons, and figures outside the realm of every day life. Mozart's operas are different in that they deal with real life. People could relate to the content of the musical dramas that they were seeing. One of his greatest and most famous operas in Don Giovanni. Don Giovanni is the main figure in the opera. He is a man who takes immense pride in seducing great numbers of woman. We will take a closer look at the opera in the next lecture.