

2012-12-08 18:00
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全文听写,英式拼法 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS 数字按录音停顿处空格 Pearl Wang Sue Jones 48s有一处破折号" - " [/color]
Pearl wants to find an accommodation near her school. She saw an advertisement in the local newsagent's and telephoned immediately. 467 931. Sue Jones speaking. Oh, hello. My name is Pearl Wang. I'm ringing about the flat. Oh, yes. You saw my ad in the newsagent's window, did you? That's right. Could you tell me something about the flat? Well, this is a two-bedroom flat, one big room and one a bit smaller, but it's quite nice. The rent is more than I could afford, so I've decided to find someone to share the flat with me. Oh, I see. May I have my own bathroom? Yes. There're two bathrooms. There's quite a big sitting room and a kitchen. The flat is an upstairs flat - on the top floor of the house. You know the landlady lives downstairs. And the central heating, is there? Yes. Gas central heating.
Pearl Wang想在学校附近找房子。她在报刊亭看到了一则广告就立刻打了电话。 这里是467 931,Sue Jones。 你好,我叫Pearl Wang。我想问问房子的事。 哦,你看到我在报刊亭橱窗的广告了是吧? 是的。你能给我讲讲公寓的情况么? 两居室,一个大卧室,另外一个稍小一些,但也很不错。房租太贵了,所以我想找个人合租。 哦,我知道了。那我有自己的洗手间么? 有的。这儿有两个洗手间。客厅很大,还有厨房。公寓是在楼上,整个楼的顶层。房东(女的)住在楼下。 有中央供暖么? 有的,燃气中央供暖。 ——by vincit 欢迎讨论