

2012-11-22 18:00
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Koalas tend to be solitary creatures. They come together to mate in spring and early summer. At mating time the males are noisy and quarrelsome. Baby koalas are born approximately 35 days after conception. Although furless and weighing only half of a gram, the baby koala climbs into the mother's pouch unaided. Six months later it leaves the pouch. By now the baby koala is fully furred and the mother carries it on her back or cuddles it to her chest for another six months. Normally koalas have single babies and twins are rare. Koalas become mature completely after four years although the female is sexually mature at about two years.
考拉是不群居的,他们在春天和初夏才聚在一起进行交配。在交配季节,雄性考拉会变的很吵且好斗。考拉宝宝在母体怀孕大约35天后即可出生。尽管刚出生的时候没有毛,而且只有半克重,他们就能只靠自己的力量爬进妈妈的袋子里。六个月后,小考拉从育儿袋里出来,这个时候他们就已经完全长好了皮毛。在接下来的六个月里,妈妈会把宝宝放在背上或者抱在怀里。一般来说,考拉只生一个孩子,双胞胎很罕见。考拉在大概四岁的时候完全成年,但雌性考拉大约在两岁的时候就已经性成熟。 —— by vincit 欢迎讨论