

2012-11-12 09:00
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450)=450"> 450)=450"> 每天18:00准时更新 全文听写,英式拼法 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS Katie Sally Jim John [/color]
Hi Katie. How are you? I haven't seen you for ages. Hi Sally. Pretty good. How about you? How's Jim? How are the twins? Jim's fine, thanks. But, the kids are a bit hard to handle actually. What do you mean? Well, they were pretty easy to take care of when they were infants, but they are really starting to go a bit wild. I'm really hesitant to do anything drastic, because I want them to be creative and free-spirited. So, what kind of things have they done? Well, the other day they were both running around in the store. I told them to stop, and they did for a short while, but then they went at it again. Pretty soon John had knocked over a stack of boxes, and Joe started stepping all over them. It was really embarrassing. Wow, that does sound like a tough situation. So, what did you do? Well, I figured that they were just being kids, so I apologised to the store manager and I left. I won't be going back to that store, that's for sure.
凯特,你好吗?好久不见。 莎莉你好,我过的还不错,你呢?吉姆和孩子们好吗? 吉姆很好,谢谢你。但是事实上孩子们有点难缠。 怎么了? 他们婴儿时期相当好带,但现在都开始调皮了。我又不想对他们采取过激手段,因为我希望他们有自由奔放的性格和创造力。 那么他们究竟做什么了? 那天在商店里乱跑,我告诉他们停下,他们只安静了一小会儿就又开始疯跑。不一会儿,约翰就打翻了一堆箱子,乔正在上面踩来踩去。那场面真让我难堪。 天,太坑爹了。然后你对这俩熊孩子做什么了? 呃,我认为他们只不过是小孩子,所以我对商场经理道了歉然后就走了。我绝对不会再去那商店第二次了。 ——译文来自: XposedShell