

2012-10-22 18:00
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全文听写,英式拼法 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS Worcestershire Distinguished Feline Conduct[/color]
London post offices were the first to try out the experiment. Within a few months the rodent population had shrunk dramatically. Other post offices all over the country were soon using cats in the war against rats and mice. Within ten years the pay of the cats was improved from one and a half old pence a day to six or nine pence a day. Now the average rate of pay is about a few pounds a month. So some of the hard-working cats have become quite famous. Have you heard of the cat named Lucky? No. Tell me the story about her, please. OK. Lucky became the most distinguished of all the cats. In 1980, she foiled an attempted robbery in a Worcestershire post office and she did so all on her own. How did she do it? As the two burglars made their way in through the window, Lucky flew at them. She sank her claws into the back of one of the men and into the neck of the other. Oh, I see. This was a surprise attack. Yeah. This surprise attack was too much for the men and they fled empty-handed. For this heroic behaviour, Lucky was awarded the first-ever Post Office DFC certificate. That is the Distinguished Feline Conduct certificate.