

2012-10-10 21:10
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Sharks can hide themselves because of their colouring. They are dark on top and silver on the underside and look like the colour of the water in which they live. In order to stay alive, animals need to have keen senses. Fish and some shellfish have sharp eyes. Almost all animals are sensitive to touch. Fish detect movements in the water by means of their lateral lines. Fish and other sea animals can hear well and many of them can make different types of warning sounds. In the future you will be hearing more and more about the sea. It is one of the last training places on Earth, which has not been fully explored by men. Today, more and more scientists are exploring the sea. This is because the population of the Earth is increasing so fast that very soon the land alone will not be able to provide enough food for everbody. That is why man is turning to the sea. It is like a huge storehouse. It contains not only food but also many other valuable things such as oil and minerals. The sea can also provide us with a lot of fresh water.
鲨鱼能够隐藏自己是因为他们的颜色。它们顶部是深色的,下边是因为,看上去就像它们居住的海洋的环境。 为了生存下来,动物需要有敏锐的感觉。鱼和一些贝壳类动物有敏锐的眼睛,几乎所有的动物对触觉都很敏感。鱼依靠侧线来察觉水中的活动,鱼和其他的海洋动物有很好的听觉,而且它们能产生很多不同种类的警觉声音。 在未来,你可能会听到越来越多关于海洋的事情。海洋是地球上还没有完全被人类开发的地方之一。今天,越来越多的科学家开发海洋。这是因为地球上人类数量增长迅速,很快陆地上的资源不够给予给每个人足够的食物,这就是为什么人类会转向探索大海。这就像一个宝藏。它不仅仅有食物,而且还有很多宝贵的东西,像石油和矿物。 海洋还可以提供给我们新鲜的水资源。 ——By lsy34