

2012-10-09 23:20
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It is called the laternal line and is used to detect sound vibrations and changes in water pressure. All living things, whether they live on land or in the sea, must fight to stay alive, that is to survive. Each plant and each animal has to feed on something and at the same time avoid being eaten. Therefore every plant and animal has to solve this big problems of staying alive in it's own way. The danger of being eaten in the sea is great. Those plants and animals that do survive usually reproduce very fast and in great numbers. The single-cell plant, the diatom, can multiply itself into a billion new distoms in one month. Certain sea animals have defensive devices that help them to survive. Sea urchins, for example, grow spines to protect themselves. The sea awesome and jellyfish have poisonous tentacles, which are used for attack and defense. Another method of survival which sea plants and animals use is disguise or camouflage. They usually have the same colour as their surroundings. The sargassum fish looks very much like the sargassum seaweed among which it lives.
这叫做鱼的侧线,用来发现声波和改变水的压力。 所有的生物,不论是生活在陆地还是水里,都在努力活着,这就是生存。每种植物和每种动物都需要饲养某些生物,同时也要避免被吃掉。所以,每种植物和动物都要解决的问题是如何用自己的方式来使自己生存下来。 在水里避免被吃掉的危险是很大的。那些生存下来的植物和动物通常重新繁衍更快和更多的数量。单细胞植物,像硅藻,能在一个月自己繁衍一百万新的硅藻。 海洋动物有防御的装置来帮助他们生存。例如海胆,生长脊椎来保护它们自己。可怕的水母有有毒的触须,用来攻击敌人和保护自己。 另一种生存的方式植物和动物可以伪装。他们通常有类似环境的同样颜色。马尾藻类海草的鱼看上去非常像住在它周围的马尾藻类海草。 ——By lsy34