

2012-09-30 10:04
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I understand. How many books and cassettes can I borrow at one time? You may borrow three items at one time, books or cassettes. If a book and a cassette is a set, it counts as one item. Items must be returned within one month. Can I telephone the library to renew items for another month? Yes, you can. When you ring us to renew books, please give us your name and the first word of the title of the book, cassette, or video, please remember that you are allowed to renew only once. I see. Just now you said videos could be borrowed as well. Yes, that is right. How many videos can I borrow at a time? You may borrow one video at a time. The video must be returned in a week. Oh, only one week? Yes. If you cannot return it on time, please call or otherwise your video library card will be revoked. You are not permitted to borrow feature films. The feature films can only be watched in the library. Oh, I see, feature films cannot be borrowed, but where can I watch them? In the library. You must first register in person at the desk. You cannot register for someone else. If the library is busy, you are restricted to watching one video. If you have any problems with the machine, please inform the librarian. All right. Thank you very much.