

2012-09-12 22:02
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450)=450"> 450)=450"> 每天18:00准时更新 全文听写,英式拼法 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS Susan Smith Tom Swain Master 注意专业要大写 [/color]
Good morning, my name is Susan Smith. I'm a personnel manager. You are Tom Swain from England. Is that right? Yes, I saw the advertisement about the job in yesterday's newspaper. Well, Mr Swain, I'd like to talk about your personality. You know, the right personality is essential for the job, and we'll give you some psychological tests later on. Perhaps you would like to tell me a little about yourself. Certainly. What would you like to know? Well, you know, human relations are going to be particularly important in this job. Tell me do you get on well with people? Very well indeed. I'm never short of friends. Good. Sometimes, though, you may have to be very tough, for example, you may have to sack someone. Would you say that you are capable of being really hard? If something has to be done, I'll do it. You studied Management Sciences in the UK, didn't you? By the way, what type of degree did you get? A first class. And then you did a Master's degree in America.
早上好,我的名字叫Susan Smith。我是人事部门经理,你是来自应该的Tom Swain,是吧? 是的,我在昨天的报纸上看见这工作的广告。 Swain先生,我想谈谈你的个性。合适的性格对工作是非常重要的,我们稍后会给一些心理测试的题目给你做,或者你跟我介绍一下你自己。 当然可以,你想知道什么? 与人交往的能力在这工作里特别重要,你和其他人相处融洽吗? 非常好,但有的时候,你可能要严厉点,比如有时你必须要解雇某些人的时候。你觉得你会比较严厉吗? 如果事情要求这样,我会做得到。 你在英国学过管理学,是吧?顺便问问,你拿到的是哪一等级的毕业等级? 第一等级。 然后你在美国拿了硕士学位。 ——By lsy34