

2012-08-25 21:20
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450)=450"> 450)=450"> 每天18:00准时更新 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS none [/color]
And basically the first thing we're trying to do is to put all kinds of reading comprehension tests and questions on the screens and the idea is that the student individually can select a test or a reading comprehension passage from a whole list, and call it up very quickly on the screen and look at it and do the answers in that particular way. Basically we're using it as a sort of reading device at the moment. Let's say for example, if a student wants to practise a particular grammatical point, he just chooses it and an exercise will come up. For example, a sentence with a part missing, and the student has to choose the correct missing part. If the student gets the answer right, then the screen immediately tells the student that, and will also tell the student why it's right. If the student gets the answer wrong, the machine will explain why it's wrong, and the student can then choose to have another try at the question or to go on to the next question.
首先最基本我们要做的事情是把阅读理解的文章和问题放在屏幕上,目的是为了让学生可以在整张列表中选择测试的题目或者是短文理解的文章,在屏幕上迅速挑选题目,阅读它们并且回答问题。在这个时候,我们把电脑当作我们阅读的一种设备。 让我们来打个比喻,如果一个学生想专门练习语法部分,他仅仅需要选择语法部分,然后习题就会出现。例如,一个句子有一部分没有了,学生就要选择丢失的这部分的正确答案。如果学生的答案是正确的,屏幕就会立刻告诉学生你答对了,并且告诉他为什么这是对的,如果学生答错了,机器也会告诉他为什么这选项是错的,然后学生可以再选择再次回答这个问题或者是继续下一题。 ——By lsy34