

沪江英语 2012-02-08 22:35
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450)=450"> 本文选自雅思听力Section 4,难度较大 Summary:主讲人首先指出多数人认识上的误区,认为企业的成功是不可复制的,而且应该邀请成功人士来管理企业,因为这些人可以带来成功的经验。但每一件事的发生方式、所处的环境都不相同,所以大多数的“重复”均已失败告终。主讲人还指出如何成功把“复制”成功。 HINTS none 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便
The trouble is, even the expert doesn't fully grasp the whole thing because when it comes to complex systems, the individual components of the process are interwoven with one another. The expert never has complete access to the necessary information. And the situation's complicated even further by the fact that experts are usually not aware of their own ignorance. The ignorance can take various forms. For instance, a lot of details of the system are invisible to managers. Some may be difficult to describe, learned on the job and well known by workers perhaps, but impossible to describe in a way that's helpful. And there are some things that people know or do that they're not even aware of. Now, let's consider two types of mistake that can occur when a manager actually starts to set up a duplicate system to replicate a successful process. Firstly, perhaps he forgets that he was just trying to copy another process, and starts trying to improve on it. Another mistake is trying to use the best parts of various different systems, in the hope of creating the perfect combination.