
【雅思听力】广播节目介绍表演活动 (3/3)

2012-01-29 15:48
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450)=450"> 本文选自雅思听力Section 2,难度一般 Summary:该广播节目介绍了国家艺术中心的内部构造、发展史、现有活动安排及其举办时间、价格等情况。艺术中心在战争年代被摧毁,但之后又被当地居民重建。该艺术中心几乎全年无袖开放。重点介绍了最近的各种表演活动,详细阐述举办时间、地点、票价、大致内容等情况。 HINTS Cinema 2 "Three lives." £ "Faces of China" Gallery 1 National Arts Centre Museum of Science 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便
For those more interested in the cinema, you might like to see the new Canadian film which is showing on Wednesday evening at 8 pm in Cinema 2. And that's called "Three lives." It's had fantastic reviews and tickets cost just £4.50, which is a reduction on the usual price of £5.50. So, it's really good value, especially for such a great movie. But you can see the centre's main attraction at the weekend, because on Saturday and Sunday, 11 am to 10 pm, they're showing a wonderful new exhibition that hasn't been seen anywhere else in Europe yet. It's a collection of Chinese Art called "Faces of China", that's in Gallery 1, and it has some really fascinating paintings and sculptures by leading artists from all over China, and the good news is that it's completely free, so don't miss it. So why not go along to the National Arts Centre next week for one, or all, of these great events, and you can always pick up a programme and check out all the other performances and exhibitions on offer, or coming soon, on almost every day of the year. Next week we'll be looking at the new Museum of Science.