

2012-02-07 23:04
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本文选自雅思听力Section 4,难度较大
Now, there's been a lot of research into how companies can repeat their previous successes, and it certainly hasn't been confined to the United States. It seems that most large industries are trying to repeat their own successes, and manage the knowledge they've acquired, but even so it has been shown that the overwhelming majority of attempts fail. A host of studies confirm this, covering a wide range of business settings, branch banks, retail stores, real estate agencies, factories, call centres, to name but a few. So why do so few managers get things right the second or third time? Let's consider one reason for failure, placing too much trust in the people who are running the successful operation, the "experts" shall we say. Managers who want to apply existing knowledge typically start off by going to an expert, such as the person who designed and is running a successful department store, and picking their brains. Now, this approach can be used if you want to gain a rough understanding of a particular system, or understand smaller, isolated problems.
现在,不光在美国,很多人都在研究公司何以复制它们以前的成功。似乎那些巨大的产业都在酝酿着再一次成功,总结已获得的知识,但即使这样,绝大多数的尝试都以失败告终。大量的研究证实了这点,涵盖了包括金融分行,零售商店,地产商,工厂,电话中心在内的众多产业。 那为什么很少管理者能够梅开二度或者连中三元呢?不妨考虑下失败的一个原因吧,那就是对那些成功过,我们口中的专家的过度信任。那些想应用现有知识的管理者们往往求助于专家,比如设计并且成功经营着一个药店的人。现在,如果你想对某个系统获得粗浅的理解或者理解一个小的孤立的问题,你可以用这种方法。 ——译文来自: haozhaojun