
雅思听力:蜜蜂的相互影响 (4/4)

2012-01-10 18:48
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本文选自雅思听力Section 3,难度一般
How do you do that? The pellets are really hard, especially if they have been out in the sun for a few days, so, first of all, we treat them by adding water to moisten them and make them softer. Then we pull them apart under the microscope. Everything's all scrunched up but we're looking for wings so we just pull them all out and straighten them. Then we identify them to see if we can find any Asian bee wings. And how many have you found? So far our research shows that Asian bees have not entered Australia in any number. It's a good result and much more reliable than trying to find live ones as evidence of introduced insects. Well, that's fascinating. Thank you, Grant, for those insights. I hope that you might inspire some of our students here to conduct some similar experiments.