
雅思听力:恐龙博物馆介绍 (2/4)

2011-12-16 17:02
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本文选自雅思听力Section 2,难度一般




As far as the amount of time you'll need goes, if you bring a school group you should plan on allowing a minimum of 90 minutes for the visit. This allows 15 minutes to get on and off the coach, 45 minutes for the guided tour and 30 minutes for after-tour activities. If you're going to have lunch at the museum you will, of course, have to allow more time. There are two cafes in the museum, with seating for 80 people. If you want to eat there you'll need to reserve some seating, as they can get quite crowded at lunch time. Then outside the museum at the back there are tables, and students can bring their own lunch and eat it there in the open air.