
雅思听力:旅馆的设施与服务 (1/4)

2011-11-28 16:00
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本文选自雅思听力Section 4,难度一般


Hospitality and Tourism

Good morning, everyone. Today's lecture forms part of the Hospitality and Tourism module. Last week I looked at the economy end of the hotel business. This week I'm going to discuss the luxury end of the market. Let's consider the following scenario. You wake up in the middle of the night in a strange hotel miles away from home, disoriented most probably from jet lag, when even the most expensive surroundings can seem empty and dispiriting. You have paid a great deal of money to stay in this first-class hotel with its contemporary technology, but according to recent research carried out by an international travel and public relations company, all is not well. The research suggests that even the most opulent, luxurious hotels seem to have underestimated the most basic needs of their customers, be they travelling for work or pleasure, the need to feel at home in surroundings which are both familiar and inviting.
大家 早上好。 今天演讲的内容是酒店与旅游部分。上周我着重于经济影响酒店商业。 这周我准备讨论奢华影响市场, 让我们一起想想下面这个情景。 你在一个离家千里之外的午夜从一个陌生的旅店突然醒来伴随时差所造成的眩晕感你看到的是周围的空荡和失落。你为了住在这个一流的酒店享受现代化的科技已经付了一大笔钱但是根据一个国际旅游与公共关系的公司的调查事实并非如此。这项调查显示就是最奢华的酒店也低估了顾客的最基本的需要。当人们在外工作或旅行周围环境的熟悉和魅力使他们又家的感觉。 ——译文来自: yesongming