

2011-10-18 23:18
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场景背景介绍: Rivenden City Theatre刚刚装修完毕,剧场的公共关系专员接受了当地广播之声的采访。采访内容涉及剧场重新装修后的设施、服务及开业后第一步上演的戏的价钱和上演时间等。在英国,看演出被认为是有良好修养,校内剧场一般比较外影剧院上映速度稍慢一周左右,但校内剧场依然比校内优惠许多。

全文听写,全文最后三个单词是for the theatre

Peter Shaffer
Royal Hunt of the Sun
OK, so what's the first play that audiences can see when the theatre reopens? We've got a very exciting production of Peter Shaffer's Royal Hunt of the Sun, which is currently touring the country. That starts on October the 13th and runs till the 19th. We're experimenting a bit with the time the curtain goes up. We used to start all our performances at 7.30, but that made it difficult for people to go home by public transport, so instead we're beginning at 7, because at 9.45, when it finishes, there are still buses running. Tickets are already selling fast. The Friday and Saturday performances sold out almost immediately and, in fact, now there are only tickets for Monday and Thursday. How much are they? We've introduced a simpler price structure. Ticket prices used to range from £6 to £30 but now they're all £18. They're available from the box office, in person, by phone, fax or post, or online. OK, Lynne, now if you'd like to give the contact details for the theatre.
剧院重新营业后首部与观众见面的将是哪部戏? 我们引入了皮特谢弗的《太阳之战》,这部精彩的戏剧正在全国进行巡演。《太阳之战》将在10月13日至19日上演。我们正在对这部戏的开场时间进行细微调整。我们的节目以往都在晚上七点半开场,但这对那些乘坐公共交通回家的观众来说有些不便,于是我们将开场时间调整为晚上七点,如此一来当九点四十五演出结束时仍有公交。门票目前正在火爆销售,星期五和星期六的门票几乎顷刻售罄。实际上,现在只有星期一和星期四的门票。 那票价是多少呢? 我们采用了一种更为简便的售票形式。我们的票价以往从6镑到30镑,而如今我们统一定价18镑。观众可以亲自前往售票处购买,也可通过电话,传真,邮寄以及在线等方式购买。 那么,林恩,现在你能否告诉我们剧院的具体联系方式? ——译文来自: swift0923