

王宁 2016-04-18 10:47
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We will ensure that progress is made in the reform of the fiscal and tax systems.

这里可以注意下 reform 加了冠词。system 用了复数,因为是财税体制是两方面的体制。很多细节方面也挺重要,特别是抛开答案自己译,会纠结要不要加这些东西。关注细节,多思考细节,也是一个不断拓展知识面的方式。基础如果打得不牢固,再好的技巧和灵感也无从施展。

We will put in place a comprehensive, well-regulated, open, and transparent budgeting system. With the exception of cases where classified information is involved, all central and local government departments must release their budgets and final accounts for public oversight.

实行 put in place
预算管理制度 budgeting system
除······外 with the exception of
社会监督 public oversight

We will increase the percentage of funds transferred from the budgets for state capital operations to general public budgets.

提高···的比例 increase the percentage of ··· to ···
国有资本经营预算 the budgets for state capital operations
一般公共预算 general public budgets

We will introduce medium-term fiscal planning. We will design effective measures to make good use of government funds at hand.

推行 introduce
财政规划管理 fiscal planning

We will devote serious energy to completing work to replace business tax with VAT across the board, adjust and improve policies on consumption tax, and extend price-based resource taxes to cover more types of resources.

力争 devote serious energy to doing ···
营改增 replace business tax with VAT
增值税 VAT (value added tax)

注意 Devote to 的用法,后面跟名词或者 动名词,例如
Considerable resources have been devoted to proving him a liar.

We will submit a proposal to the NPC Standing Committee on revising the Law on the Administration of Tax Collection.

税收征管法 the Law on the Administration of Tax Collection
全国人大常委会 NPC Standing Committee

We will reform the transfer payments system, clearly define the respective powers and spending responsibilities of the central and local governments, and make appropriate adjustments to the division of revenue between them.

转移支付制度 the transfer payments system (注意复数)
合理调整 make appropriate adjustments to

We will move ahead with financial reform to better serve the real economy.

推进:move ahead with···

We will encourage qualified private investors to establish, in accordance with the law, small and medium-sized banks and other financial institutions; there will be no quota imposed on them, and approval will be granted as long as all required conditions are met.


中小型银行 small and medium-sized
(类同 中小企业 Small and Medium Enterprises,中英差别体现)
具备条件的 qualified
依法 in accordance with the law (常用插入)
限额 quota

We will deepen reform of rural credit cooperatives, and keep their status as legal persons in their counties stable. We will ensure development-oriented and policy-backed financial institutions function effectively in increasing the supply of public goods.

发挥好···的作用:ensure that ··· function effectively in ···

农村信用社 rural credit cooperatives
公共产品供给 the supply of public goods 
