

2011-08-29 17:43
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1891年,处在写作生涯巅峰期的王尔德遇见了阿尔弗雷德·“波西”·道格拉斯(Alfred "Bosie" Douglas),两人很快成为了同性恋人。四年后,因为这段“不敢说出名字的爱”,王尔德被判“有伤 风化”罪而入狱。在狱中,王尔德开始反思从前的生活,思索痛苦和人生的意义,艺术和爱的真谛,最终将那些痛苦的泪水都化作优 美而深沉的文字,写成了这封名为"de profundis"(从深处)的长信。

作者简介:奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900),英国维多利亚时代著名作家,“唯美主义 运动”的领军人物,倡导“为艺术而艺术”(Art for art's sake)。他的代表作有戏剧《莎乐美》(Salome)《认真的 重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest),童话《快乐王子》(The Happy Prince) 《夜莺与玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose) ,小说《道连·格雷的画像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray),以及书信《自深深处》(De Profundis)等。


You must remember that, if when matched with one mere moment of my imprisonment the balance in which you lie kicks the beam, Vanity made you choose the balance, and Vanity made you cling to it. There was the one great psychological error of our friendship, its entire want of proportion. You forced your way into a life too large for you, one whose orbit transcended your power of vision no less than your power of cyclic motion, one whose thoughts, passions and actions were of intense importance, of wide interest, and fraught, too heavily indeed, with wonderful or awful consequence. Your little life of little whims and moods was admirable in its own little sphere. In yourself, you were all right. You were a very complete specimen of a very modern type. It was simply in reference to me that you were wrong.


你应该记住,只需同我在牢狱中的一个片刻相比,你那一头的天平就要翘到天上去。虚荣心使你选了那一头,虚荣心使你紧抱着那一头。你我的友谊存在着这么一个心理上的大错,即完全不成比例。你硬闯进了一个对你来说是太大了的生活,其轨道之高远,为你的圆周运动能力所不逮,也非你的目力所能及,其思想、激情和行动举足轻重,备受关注,动辄充满了——的确是充得太满了——令人惊叹或令人敬畏的影响。你那小小的生活, 那些小小的异想天开、喜怒无常,在它自己小小的范围内值得钦佩。就你本人, 没什么可说的。你是一种非常现代的类型的一个非常完整的标本。只是在同我参照时才显得你错了。


1、kick the beam (因重量过轻)秤杆翘起,引申为“重量极轻;价值极小”。

2、proportion n.比例;均衡;相称
【举例】What's the proportion of boys to girls in the class? 班上男女学生的比例如何?
The painting lacks proportion. 这幅画比例失调。
His susccess bore no proportion to his abilities. 他的成就与他的才能不相称。

3、transcend v.超出;超越;优于
【举例】The story transcends belief. 这故事让人难以置信。
These questions transcend the limits of language study. 这些问题超出了语言研究的范围。
The latest book of the writer transcends anything else he has produced. 这位作家的新书超越了他以前所有的作品。

4、whim n.突然产生的念头;异想天开;心血来潮
【举例】have a whim for doing sth. 突然想做某事
do sth. on a whim 心血来潮地做了某事
be governed by whim 受冲动支配


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