

2010-02-08 14:26
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Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes when you apply for a job? While the recruiting process varies by industry, company and even department, the result is the same: One person out of many receives an offer.


For those who aren't hired, understanding what happened to their candidacy along the way can be a mystery. Not every firm notifies applicants they've been rejected, and few say why. But knowing what goes on in the hiring process may give prospects the inside track for a job.


Many employers start filling vacancies below the executive level by using a team of recruiters or human-resources personnel to weed out applications that fail to meet a job's basic qualifications. 'They should only be removing candidates who are a clear miss,' says Peter Leech, chief marketing officer for , a small Seattle e-commerce company.


How this is done, the time it takes, and the number of applicants selected to go on to the next step varies, but there are some patterns. Some screeners eyeball every submission that comes in, while others search for certain keywords among applications. Likewise, there are screeners who consider cover letters in their evaluations and those who ignore them. Career experts suggest erring on the side of caution. Submit a carefully written cover letter and insert keywords -- must-have qualifications usually found in the job posting -- with every application.


If you're worried that your application never arrived, wait five days and call the employer to ask for confirmation, suggests J.T. O'Donnell, a career strategist in North Hampton, N.H.

位于明尼阿波利斯的General Mills Inc.副总裁、首席招聘长莱勒克说,公司只向在网上填写了某个职位申请表的求职者发电子邮件确认收到申请。她说,此外招聘人员只会看那些根据筛选标准满足工作基本要求的应聘者的申请。

General Mills Inc. sends email confirmations only to job hunters who complete an online application for a specific opening at the Minneapolis-based company, says Stephanie Lilak, vice president, chief staffing officer. What's more, recruiters will only review applications that show a person meets a job's basic qualifications, based on screening questions, she says.


One common exception many firms make: A job hunter who is referred by an employee or other trusted source. A referred candidate may be given immediate attention, potentially speeding them to the interview stage. Michelle Vasquez, 43, says she landed a phone interview for a senior marketing job last month thanks to a referral from a friend of the hiring manager. Ms. Vasquez was later invited to interview with several senior managers, though she later found out she didn't get the job. 'I didn't have out to fill an online application,' she says. 'I went straight into the interview pool.'
