

SARAH BARNS 2015-12-23 10:40
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Miss Universe

The Miss Universe contestants have decided to bare all - but not by donning skimpy bikinis.

In a bid to prove that beauty is more than skin deep, the pageant queens have removed all of their slap and posed for a bunch of stunning no-make-up selfies.

And the striking images prove that this year's competitors are gorgeous without all the fake tan, stick-on eyelashes and bright red lipstick.

1.Twenty-five-year-old Miss Australia Monika Radulovic pulled her brunette hair into a high ponytail and grinned broadly at the camera.
来自澳大利亚的选手Monika Radulovic现年25岁,她将自己的棕色长发绑成高高的马尾,对镜头露出一个开朗的笑容。


Joanna Cooper

2.Miss Ireland Joanna Cooper, 21, removed her make--up and then puckered up to blow her fans a kiss.
来自爱尔兰的选手Joanna Cooper现年21岁,卸去妆容之后,她撅起嘴唇,向粉丝们抛出一个飞吻。

Clarissa Molina

3.Miss Dominican Republic Clarissa Molina, 24, washed off her berry-hued lip tint and smoky eye make-up to proudly show off her natural complexion.
24岁的多米尼加共和国的选手Clarissa Molina洗掉自己浆果色的红唇和烟灰妆,骄傲的展示着自己自然的肤色。

Nichole Penn

4.Miss Bahamas Toria Nichole Penn, 27, took her slap-free selfie early in the morning. Showcasing a halo of curls and a wide smile'.

Laura Spoya

5.Twenty-four-year-old Miss Peru Laura Spoya looked strikingly similar to Victoria's Secret Angel Alessandra Ambrosio in her bare-faced portrait.
24岁的秘鲁小姐Laura Spoya的素颜照片看起来酷肖维密模特Angel Alessandra Ambrosio。

Hilda Frimpong

6.Miss Ghana Hilda Frimpong, 26, looked more youthful without all the contouring and cherry red lips.

Francesca Cipriani

7.Stunning brunette Miss Ecuador Francesca Cipriani, 23, confidently posed with her lipstick and mascara.
23岁的厄瓜多尔小姐Francesca Cipriani肤色很深美的惊人,红唇加上睫毛膏的妆容格外自信。
