
美国店员告诉你 8种快餐不能吃

沪江英语 2015-03-23 00:07
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I work for McDonald’s and make sure everyone that matters to me never orders anything that comes out of the 'McCafe' machine as these are routinely neglected, in practically all the McDonalds. Not only are staff not properly trained in its cleaning and maintenance, at almost every McDonalds I've had experience with, the managers in charge of training them don't know either.

Ballpark Hotdog

Reddit user FreakyCheeseman warns that baseball stadium hotdogs are recycled for over two days.

Taco Bell

'I worked at taco bell a little bit ago and I warn everyone to stay away from both the beans, and the steak. The beans start out looking like cat food, and the directions are, 'Add water and stir until you can't see white anymore.' The steak was just the worst on dish duty. If it would sit too long it would become like hair gel. It was the worst.'
“我之前在Taco Bell上班。我警告每个人别买豆子和牛排。那些豆子刚拿出来就像猫粮一样,说明书上写着加水搅拌到看不见白色为止。牛排最糟,如果烹饪时间太长它们会变得像啫喱水一样。糟透了。”

Wendy's chili

A former employee at Wendy's says that the chili is nothing but super old and recycled meat and beans mixed in with a whole lot of water.
小编注:recycled meat是什么我实在不忍心告诉你们。真想知道的请自行google。


A former Starbucks employee says that the secret items on the Starbucks menu are so secret that the employees don't even know how to make them.

Movie popcorn

Apparently movie popcorn sits in trash bags over night and is then reheated and recycled gain depending on how much it film goers consume.

McDonald's chicken nuggets

A McDonald's worker says that patrons need to ask for 'fresh' chicken nuggets if they don't want nuggets that have been sitting out for hours.

BBQ sandwiches at KFC

Apparently the chicken is so stale in a BBQ Shredder at KFC, they use the leftover chicken that is too stale to be given to people in homeless shelters.
