

沪江英语编译 2011-10-06 14:00
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10 轻松say hey

10 打个招呼,say “hey”

This simple word is really one of the most powerful tools to use when you want to talk to a women because it's natural.

9 干杯!

9 在喝酒的话,用“干杯”搭讪

If you're in a bar or club, one of the easiest ways to start talking to a woman is to simply raise your glass to hers and say: “Cheers!” It’s simple, polite, and paves the way for future conversation.

8 没话找话

8 没话找话

Wherever you are, you’re sure to find something really unusual that’s discussion-worthy. You may observe a person wearing outrageous clothing, somebody acting inappropriately, a fight, etc. Use whatever is happening around you for the conversation, especially if she shows some sort of reaction to it.

7 关注热门话题

7 多多注意最近热门话题

Before you go out tonight, read up on the news today and stay informed on the latest celebrity gossip and entertainment news. This is perfect material for conversations.

6 问问她的意见

6 询问意见

One of the most effective ways to start a conversation is to ask her opinion on something. This works especially well with groups of women, and with a topic they would love to talk about. Fashion, relationships, celebrity gossip: the topics are endless. The important thing to remember is to make it look like you are actually interested in getting someone’s opinion.

5 准备些好玩的小故事

5 准备些好玩的小故事

Always have a few interesting and unique stories. Think about them before you go out so they are at your disposal. They should be stories that are smooth conversation starters.

4 和她玩个游戏

4 玩个小游戏

There are tons of fun little games you can play that will get a woman locked into a conversation with you. Try some fun, playful games to get her attention.

3 和她打个赌

3 和她打个赌

Just as engaging as a game, you could also make a bet. Here’s a great one: Bet her that you will remember her name the entire evening and if you forget, you have to buy her a drink. But to make it even, she has to remember your name, or she buys you a drink.

2 聊聊别人

2 聊聊别人

If you spot a person who fails horribly while trying to pick up on a woman, approach her shortly after he leaves. Ask her: “So how did he do?”

1 故意让她偷听到

1 故意让她偷听到

This technique is different in the sense that rather than approaching her, she will overhear you talking to a friend and will feel compelled to approach you to find out what you are discussing. 
