中文名: 初代吸血鬼
外文名: The Originals
导演: Chris Grisme
主演: Joseph Morgan,Daniel Gillies,Claire Holt
类型: 剧情,恐怖,爱情
《初代吸血鬼》(英语:The Originals)又名:始祖家族,是一部吸血鬼日记的衍生剧,它的试播集将作为吸血鬼日记的第四季第20集于2013年4月25日播出。在吸血鬼日记里面播出的一集在做了一些补拍和修改后于7月提前在网上供美国地区用户观看,这个版本被称为导演剪辑版并去掉了和吸血鬼日记有关角色的内容。

第一集"Always and Forever"
播出时间:Chris Grismer Michael Narducci & Julie Plec October 3, 2013 2J7802 2.21
剧情:A re-telling of the backdoor pilot, but this time from Elijah's point-of-view. Determined to help his brother find redemption, Elijah follows Klaus to the French Quarter of New Orleans and soon learns that the werewolf Hayley Marshall has also come to the French Quarter searching for clues to her family history, and has fallen into the hands of a powerful witch named Sophie Deveraux, whom leads an underground coven. Tensions between the town's supernatural factions are nearing a breaking point as Marcel commands his devoted followers and rules with absolute power. After Elijah reveals himself to Klaus, as well as the news about Hayley's pregnancy, he convinces Klaus to help the witches protect Hayley as well as challenge Marcel for the throne of the city. Klaus agrees to stay, but after settling into his new living quarters, he stabs Elijah with a dagger tipped with white oak ash and vows to fight Marcel and protect Haley on his own.

第二集"House of the Rising Son"
播出时间:Brad Turner Diane Ademu-John & Declan de Barra October 8, 2013 2J7801 TBA
剧情:Rebekah arrives in New Orleans looking for Elijah, but instead meets Hayley at Klaus' new mansion where she confides in Rebekah about her unexpected condition. Unable to find Elijah and worried that Klaus is up to no good, Rebekah seeks help from a reluctant Sophie to find out what is going on and how to deal with it. Meanwhile, Hayley takes matters into her own hands to deal with her condition, but things quickly take a dangerous turn. Determined to uncover Marcel's secret weapon against the witches, Klaus stays one step ahead of him as he continues to try to win his trust by working at Marcel's nightclub. After Rebekah has a personal a run-in with Marcel, she has flashbacks of all the anger and disappointment Klaus has caused her throughout the years. Elsewhere, Marcel enlists Davina's help in his own dangerous plan.  


Song Title(歌曲名) Album(唱片) Artist(演唱者)
Sudden Throw For Now I Am Winter Olafur Arnalds
Hard Heart   Josh Dion
New Cannonball Blues Nine Types of Light TV On the Radio
Wake Up Neesie Big Easy Kermit Ruffins
This Land Is Your Land Naturally Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings
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《初代吸血鬼》S1E1:Out of the blue
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《初代吸血鬼》Claire Holt订婚!
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