

2015-06-01 11:30
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剑桥雅思7第一套试题,听力Section 4真题部分:

SECTION 4 Questions 31-40

Questions 31-35
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Preparation for fieldwork trip to Namibia in 31………………
Rock art in Namibia may be
Earliest explanation of engravings of animal footprints
They were used to help 32………………….. learn about tracking
●Why are the tracks usually 33………………. ?
●Why are some engravings realistic and others unrealistic?
●Why are the unrealistic animals sometimes half 34………………. ?
More recent explanation:
Wise men may have been trying to control wild animals with 35………………… .
Earlier explanation was due to scholars over-generalising from their experience of a different culture.

Questions 36-40
Complete the sentences below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

36If you look at a site from a………………… , you reduce visitor pressure.
37To camp on a site may be disrespectful to people from that……………… .
38Undiscovered material may be damaged by…………………. .
39You should avoid………………….. or tracing rock art as it is so fragile.
40In general, your aim is to leave the site………………… .

SECTION 4 真题解析



seminar n. (小型)学术研讨会
accurate adj. 正确的
archaeological adj. 考古的,考古学的
identifiable adj. 可辨认的
fieldwork n. 野外实地调查
unrealistic adj. 非现实的
fantastically adv. 绝妙地,极好地
researcher n. 研究人员
participation n. 参与;出勤
complex adj. 复杂的
introduction n. 概括,介绍
unintentional adj. 非故意的,无意的
contemporary adj. 当今的,当代的
observe v. 观察
interpretation n. 翻译,理解
disrespectful adj. 忽视不尊重
engraving n. 石刻
priceless adj. 无价的
footprint n. 足迹
fragile adj. 物价的
scholar n. 学者
precious adj. 珍贵的
track n. 轨迹,足迹
intact adj. 未开发的,原封不动的,完整的
mystery n. 秘密;谜团
illustration n. 说明

field observation 实地观察
environmental improvement 环境改善
field of view 视野;视场
environmental lapse rate 环境递减率
field size 农地面积
environmental risk 环境风险
field sketching 实地描绘
humid climate 湿润气候
field study 实地考察
humidity n. 湿度
field survey 实地调查
humification 腐殖质化〔作用〕
environmental conservation 环境保护
marine climate 海洋气候
environmental constraint 环境限制
mountain climate 山地气候
environmental degradation 环境退化
mountain range 山脉


1. I'm going to give you some do's and don'ts for our fieldwork trip in April—so please listen carefully.
do's and don'ts意为“该做的和不该做的”。

2. We are very fortunate to be going to an area where you can find some of the most important sites in the entire world.

3. ...this rock art was like a school book with pictures to teach children about tracks...

4. And another mystery—some of these unrealistic animals—that's in the engravings—seem to be half human.

5. Many researchers now think that these were pictures the wise men engraved of themselves.
Engrave on / upon意为“深深铭刻在…”, be engraved in stone意为“已定的,不可更改的”。

6. Rock art is fragile and precious.

7. So no heroics in Namibia, please!
heroics指(过分或出人意料的)大胆行为或言词,如perform heroics就可指过分地表现,哗众取宠地表现自己。

8. And lastly please don't even move rocks or branches to take photographs—you should leave the site intact—I'm sure I can rely on you to do that.
rely on sb. to do意为“相信某人做到某事”。


考古类的题材通常会令考生感到恐惧,但冷静下来会发现需要填写的词汇基本都属于大学英语六级范围。SECTION 4尤其着重考查考生的词汇。

31. 除词汇题以外有可能会出错的是31题,原题中的to Namibia in ________ 如果不能预测出in之后跟着的是什么信息,此题无论听多少遍都可能没有收获。因此,复习中需要加强对读题的训练。本题中对原题进行分析,初步推测出需要填写的很可能是交通工具、地点或时间。本节中几乎所有的题目都可以顺利预测所需词性,原文中的核心词在题干中只进行了少数替换。

32. 在SECTION 4中的填空题原文与题干的相似度会减弱,题干中to help ________ learn,在预测时可以判断需要的是名词,而且应该是人。就对应到原文出现的to teach children about tracks, children是唯一出现的人物,因此就是题目的答案。

33. 原文中的you see the tracks are repeated出现时许多考生没有意识到答案在此时给出了,但如果能注意到副标题的But,以及它在原文中的出现对捕捉答案会有极大帮助。原文以but引出了好几个谜团,接着就提到了第一个谜团,这也就是题干所要表达的。在Section 4中的副标题通常对解题有很大的帮助,请考生一定要用笔特别勾出。

34. 审题的时候可以看出来,题干所指的是第三个谜团。此题没有用任何其他的词汇替代题干中的half,答案直接陈述,也就是原文提到的half human。另外一种用来表达half的方式是semi。

35. to control wild animals with... 与原文的they could use... (magic)to control the animals对应,完全相同的意思用不同的句型来表达了,答案就是原句的magic。

36. 题干将原文两句话合并成一句来表达,原文This can really help to reduce visitor pressure中的this指代的就是前一句observing at a distance, observe与题干的look同义,对比之下,不难得出答案。

37. 题干中的people from that culture与原文的people of that culture仅差一个介词,意思相同。

38. Undiscovered material may be damaged by ________. 原文中首先提到了不要在野外生火(make fires),然后又出现了一个by doing so(这样做)会毁坏很多尚未发现的珍贵物质,此处的by doing so指代的就是前面所说的在野外生火,而且根据原文的you can easily burn中的burn也可以推断出by doing so指代的就是make fires。还可以填入burning,表达意思相同,且符合题干语法。

39. 本题在处理信息时需要理解题干表达的是未被发掘材料会被损害的负面含义,因此在参观的时候需要避免某些行为。原文的NEVER表达也是负面的,共同的介词by之后紧跟答案。

40. 此题不难,题干与原文的leave the site完全相同,本题的解题关键在于很多考生不熟悉单词intact而难以答题。 
