

haha199 2008-02-29 16:18
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A Love Affair With Precious Jewels

From warriors to rulers,people have long cherished jewels



All that glitters isn't gold; sometimes it's colored gemstones or sparkling jewels! For thousands of years, people have adorned themselves with all types of jewelry. Feathers, bones, teeth, stones and shells were some of the earliest materials used. But over time, sparkling gemstones discovered beneath the earth's surface replaced these simple materials. The precious stones varied from region to region. Here are a few of the best-known and most sought after.

“Stone from heaven”
A Chinese proverb states that "One can put a price on gold, but jade is priceless." An important source of jade was discovered over 7,500 years ago near the Kunlun Mountains. The jade, called the “stone from heaven,” became valued for its intense emerald-green color and its strength. Jade is still valued for its beauty today, not only in China but also around the world.

“Diamonds are a girl's best friend”
During the fourth century B.C., India was one of the first countries to discover and mine diamonds. Two of the more famous diamonds from India are the Hope Diamond and the Darya-i-Nur ("Sea of Light"), a rare pink diamond that weighs anywhere from 175 to 195 carats. Today, diamonds serve as the gem of choice for wedding rings and other expensive jewelry.

Word Bank:

Gemstone (n)经过切割、琢磨后可饰物的宝石
Paula selected a beautiful gemstone from the jeweler and asked him to set it in a ring.

Sparkling (adj)闪亮的;闪烁的
The sparkling white snow on top of the mountains can be seen for a long distance.

Proverb (n)谚语
Most proverbs are simple sayings that tell a basic truth.

Mine (v)开采
After gold was discovered in California, many people moved there to mine for gold.


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