

2008-02-15 16:49
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In fact, from Internet, you could know everything you do, how your work, how you play, how you entertain yourself, how you learn…


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The early days of the internet were just as precarious as my walking along this high beam, trying to keep my balance here. A roaring stream of information posting through the universe. But internet pioneers kept at it. And as soon as that first email was successfully sent, the world changed forever.

We click, log on and surf here over 100 million web pages and links, the world's information at our finger tips.

Internet is this massive super highway system. But think it easier, it does exactly the same thing as our freeways and highways frequently do. The difference is internet goes speed of light instantaneous. If it's anything, it's the individual's window to the world. It impacts everything you do: how you work, how you play, how you entertain yourself, how you learn.

We've asked people about how they think about the internet. Some people think the internet is kinda like the mall, other people think that the internet is predominantly a picture, and some people think that the internet is more or less like the telephone system, a wonderful way for people to communicate with others.

And yet it all began as a department of defense project back in 1969, a modest network of just 4 computers.

At this point, if you try to draw of the geology of the internet, it's beautiful but completely confusing because there are so many things interconnected. When Tim Berners-Lee invented the world-wide web, everybody started pouring information into the network. It's this huge influx of information on the net that makes it so valuable and also so beautiful.

With so many people on line, the internet has become a window into our world for better and for worse.

When you talk about the good side and the bad side, really you are talking about humanity that humanity which put things on the web and humanity which decides what's gonna read.

And our prolific panel unanimously agreed the internet was a 21st century tour de force that could not be ignored as a modern day wonder.

It is not an edifice and artifact. That's kind of what makes it all the more wondrous. Who'd thought we could do this. It's magic.


