
沪江专访枫华高级中学校长Mark Butcher:圆你一个国际梦

沪江英语 2011-10-14 14:35
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你有出国梦吗?你为出国做过什么准备吗?近日,沪江网有幸请到中加合作的枫华高级中学校长Mark Butcher先生做客沪江,告诉你出国都要做哪些准备,为你答疑解惑,圆你一个国际梦。

1. We just talk a little bit about your personal experience like how you came to China, how you started this business.

Well, which time I came to China, the first time?

The very first time.

First time I came here was in 1946. I was just a little baby. My father came here in 1932. My mother came here in 1938. I have an elder brother who was born in China. Both my parents during the war and my brother were interned by the Japanese for 3.5 years in Weifang, in the Japanese War Camp. I was conceived in that camp and so I tell everybody else that I was made in China. But if we haven't been with the help of our Chinese friends we will never have survived. There were shortages of food, very little food in the camp. In fact, my brother’s favorite treat in today just has been a slice of bread, some sort on that. That was a real treat. We were there for 3.5 years after the war was over, and my mother was 7-months pregnant with me in the camp, went to England. And when I was 2-month-old, we came back to China. We lived in Lijiang. We lived there until 1950. The first language I spoke was Chinese and I learned English later, but I forgot all my Chinese. After we left Lijiang, we went to India, and from India, we moved to Japan. My sister was born in Japan, and from Japan moved to Boston, the United States. We later moved up to a little town, town of 3000. We were there just for a few years. Then we moved to Hong Kong. I went to school in Hong Kong. From Hong Kong, we moved to Thailand, my first term was in Thailand. And then I went to my boarding school in Vietnam and I graduated from high school in Vietnam.

Just like the whole life of you is in Asia.

Yeah, I grew up in Asia. So I always want to come back to Asia. I prefer Asia to Europe. Here, I feel very much at home.

2. What’s the most attractive thing about Asia, do you think?

People. They are very very friendly. I love the country; I love the people. Our family knows a lot of Chinese people. So I always want to come back here. Back in 1960, I wrote down five goals.1960 that was during a time caused revolution. One of my goals was to come to China and teach. So I tell my kids, if you have a dream, follow that dream, because it can probably happen. It has always been my dream to come to China. So I did my career in Canada after I went to university in Canada. So I was a principal in Canada about 21 years and I taught in Canada about 32 years old together. Then I retired and I came here in 2000. First, I was in Daqing and went to a public school. I just want to see what it is like in a Chinese school. Later, I went to Shandong and I was involved in secondary school there. I got very sick, SARS, and I have been in hospital for over a month. Then I went back to Canada. And this opportunity came here and I jumped it up. Then I came here in 2003 and I started a school and I’ve here since.
