谁知道从冷盘到咖啡,没有一样东西可口:上来的汤是凉的,冰淇淋倒是热的;鱼像海军陆战队,已登陆了好几天;肉像潜水艇士兵,会长时期伏在水里;除醋外,面包、牛肉、红酒无一不酸。两人吃得倒尽胃口,谈话也不投机。(钱钟书 - 围城 )
But as it turned out, there wasn't a single thing edible from the cold dishes to the coffee. The soup was cold, and the ice cream was warm. The fish was like the Marine Corps. It apparently had already been on land for several days; the meat was like submarine sailors, having been submerged in water for a long time. Besides the vinegar, the bread, the butter, and the red wine were all sour. They completely lost their appetites while eating and couldn't hit it off in their conversation either. (美 Jeanne Kelly, Nathan K.Mao <译> –FortressBesieged)