We will work to deepen the comprehensive reform of community-level medical and healthcare institutions, strengthen the general practitioner system, and improve the system of tiered diagnosis and treatment.
基层医疗卫生机构 community-level medical and healthcare institutions (并不是所有的机构都用 organization)
全科医生 general practitioner
分级诊疗 tiered diagnosis and treatment
Practitioner /prækˈtɪʃənə/
Doctors are sometimes referred to as practitioners or medical practitioners. 行医者
全面推开县级公立医院综合改革,在 100 个地级以上城市进行公立医院改革试点,
We will fully implement the comprehensive reform of county-level public hospitals, and trial public hospital reform in 100 cities at or above the prefecture level.
县级公立医院 county-level public hospitals
地级以上城市 cities at or above the prefecture level
进行公立医院改革试点 trial public hospital reform (trial 作动词)
We will put a stop to the practice of charging more for medicines to make up for low prices for medical services, lower extortionate prices on medicines, make appropriate adjustments to medical service prices, and take measures such as reforming medical insurance payouts to control costs of medical services, thereby lightening the burden that medical expenses place on people.
破除 put a stop to
现象/ 行为 the practice of (比较常见)
虚高药价 extortionate prices on medicines
医保支付 medical insurance payouts
以药补医 charging more for medicines to make up for low prices for medical services
合理调整 make appropriate adjustments to
Extortionate /ɪkˈstɔːʃənɪt/ (价格) 离谱的 [强调]
A specially prepared menu on which basic dishes are charged at extortionate prices.
We will encourage doctors to practice in community-level clinics in addition to their regular practice and help the development of nongovernmental hospitals. We will launch comprehensive pilot projects for deepening medical reform at the provincial level.
到基层多点执业 practice in community-level clinics (用复数表示多的含义)
发展社会办医 development of nongovernmental hospitals
社会做修饰成分,有多重译法,有时是popular,有时是public,这里是 nongovernmental
We will move faster in setting up mechanisms for preempting and mediating medical disputes.
加快 move faster in
建立 set up
预防调解 preempting and mediating
医疗纠纷 medical disputes
Preempt /priːˈɛmpt/ 预先制止
The law would preempt stronger local rules.
"the survival of the fittest," a slogan that virtually preempted all debate.
人均基本公共卫生服务经费补助标准由 35 元提高到 40 元,增量全部用于支付村医的基本公共卫生服务,方便几亿农民就地就近看病就医。
We will increase the annual subsidy for government expenditures on basic public health services from 35 yuan to 40 yuan per capita, with the entire additional sum to be used for paying for rural doctors to provide basic public health services; this will allow large numbers of rural residents to enjoy better access to local medical services.
人均 per capita (capita 有人头的意思)
增量 additional sum
几亿农民 large numbers of rural residents
(不是绝对的信息对等 / number 加了复数)
Large numbers of 大量的
Before they were blocked, all of these applications had large numbers of users in China.
“方便几亿农民就地就近看病就医”,典型的“结果句”,这次用的是 “this will allow”,有时间可以整理下这类结果句的表述方法。
We will strengthen the prevention and control of major diseases. We will actively develop traditional Chinese medicine and the traditional medicine of ethnic minorities, and advance the reform of family planning services and the way they are managed.
防控 the prevention and control of
民族医药 the traditional medicine of ethnic minorities
推进······改革 advance the reform of
Good health is a basic public necessity, so we must work consistently to raise the standard of medical and healthcare services to create a healthy China.
健康 Good health
不断 work consistently to
群众也是中特词,用作修饰成分有时候译为 public,有时候是 poplar,作为名词往往是 mass 之类。
两个小句中间加了 so,体现了逻辑关系,也显得句子更加紧密。