

王宁 2016-04-18 10:48
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A deposit insurance system will be established. We will further liberalize interest rates and improve the central bank’s framework for their regulation. We will work to keep the RMB exchange rate at an appropriate and balanced level and allow it to float more freely.

work to 也是相当常见,全文出现 53 次,绝对是高频。

存款保险制度 deposit insurance system
利率市场化 liberalize interest rates
处于合理均衡水平 at an appropriate and balanced level

We will make steady progress in realizing the convertibility of the RMB capital accounts, expand the use of the RMB internationally, accelerate the establishment of a cross-border payment system for the RMB, improve the worldwide clearing system for the RMB, pilot private overseas investment, and launch the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect on a trial basis at an appropriate time.

扩大人民币国际使用 expand the use of the RMB internationally


清算服务体系 clearing system
深港通 the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect
跨境支付系统 a cross-border payment system

Pilot 有动词用法,试行 (计划或方案)
例:Teachers are piloting a literature-based reading programme.

We will strengthen the multilevel capital market and implement the reform to introduce a system of registration for issuing stocks. We will develop regional equity markets to serve small and medium-sized enterprises, encourage the securitization of credit assets, prompt an expansion of the issuance of corporate bonds, and develop the financial derivatives market.

区域性股权市场 regional equity markets
信贷资产 credit assets
扩大·····规模 an expansion of (名词化,减少动词)
金融衍生品 financial derivatives


发展服务中小企业的区域性股权市场 develop regional equity markets to serve small and medium-sized enterprises
偏正结构英译,前面笔记分析过这个,一般句子太长就不适宜用 of 或者 ing 结构翻译,而是 用 to 之类的办法转换。

We will launch insurance to cover major disasters and commercial pension schemes that allow for deferred payment of individual income tax.We will explore new approaches to financial regulation to prevent and diffuse financial risks.

个人税收递延型商业养老保险,也是一个偏正结构,这里用的是 that 从句 commercial pension schemes that allow for deferred payment of individual income tax.

巨灾 major disasters
化解 diffuse

We will channel great energy into developing inclusive finance and ensuring equitable access to financial services for all market entities.

普惠金融 inclusive finance
市场主体 market entities
让·····能 ensure  
