

2009-11-06 11:40
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Asian fusion will be the fashion theme when APEC leaders including US President Barack Obama appear for a traditional group picture at their Singapore summit next month, organisers said Wednesday.
亚太经合组织(APEC)峰会将于下月在新加坡举行,据峰会组织者于本周三透露,今 年,包括美国总统奥巴马在内的与会APEC领导人拍“全家福”所穿的服装将以展现亚洲多元文化为主题。 与会领导人拍集体照是APEC峰会的一项传统。

The 20 male leaders will sport long-sleeved linen shirts with mandarin collars, a style inspired by the blend of Chinese, Malay and Indian culture found in Singapore. They can choose from blue, red or green variants.
届时,与会的20位男性领导人将穿中式领的长袖亚麻衬 衫,这一风格结合了中国、马来西亚和印度三国的服装特色,并有蓝、红、绿三种颜色供选择。

Philippine President Gloria Arroyo, the only female leader, will wear a V-necked blouse in red silk with elaborate embroidery and lace.
菲律宾总统格洛丽亚•阿罗约将是唯一一位与会的女 性领导人,届时她会穿上V字领的绣有精美图案和花边的红色丝绸衬衫。

They are all made by Singaporean designer Wykidd Song, whose creations have been sold at Harrods and Selfridges in London and Barneys in New York.
此次峰会领导人的服装由新加坡设计师宋伟杰设计,他设计的服装在伦敦的哈罗斯百货公司、塞弗里 奇百货公司和纽约的巴尼斯精品店均有售。

The annual APEC summit photo session has seen some of the world's most powerful politicians dressed in a variety of costumes, from calf-length silk tunics in Hanoi in 2006 and leather bomber jackets in Seattle in 1993 to Peruvian ponchos in Lima last year.
每年APEC峰会领导人拍合照所穿的服装风格各异,各具特色。2006年的河内峰会是过膝真丝长袍, 1993年的西雅图峰会是短款皮夹克,去年的利马峰会是秘鲁长披风。

The host nation dictates the theme, with mixed results reflecting the variety of body shapes, heights and fashion sense of the leaders.
每年服装的主题风格由峰会主办国指定,但领 导人可根据自己的体型、身高和时尚偏好选择具体的颜色和样式。

"For Singapore, we wanted something reflective of what kind of host we are and what kind of country we are," said trade ministry official Koh Lin-Net, chairwoman of the APEC Singapore 2009 organising committee.
新加坡“2009 APEC”组委会主席、贸易部官员许琳聂说:“ 对于新加坡而言,我们希望通过服装反映出我们是怎样的东道主和我们国家的特色。”

"It must be so comfortable that they would want to wear it again," she said at a media briefing.

(英语点津陈丹妮 姗姗编辑)


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