
曼德拉迎95岁生日 病情好转有望出院

沪江英语 2013-07-18 11:23
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For more than a month, South Africans have kept an anxious vigil as their much-loved former president Nelson Mandela lay in critical condition in a Pretoria hospital.

But as Mandela turned 95 on Thursday, there was reason to hope: He was making "remarkable progress," according to his daughter Zindzi.

“I should think he will be going home any time soon," she said. Although Mandela is still unable to speak, she said he was regaining strength and energy. "He gave us a huge smile and raised his hand," she said. "He responds with his eyes and his hands."

Her comments echoed observations from old friends Denis Goldberg and Ahmed Kathrada, who last week said Mandela recognized them and responded with his eyes because he had a tube in his throat. It was unclear Thursday whether he remained on a respirator.

Hundreds of well-wishers have left prayers and messages of hope at his Johannesburg home and at the hospital where he is being treated. His daughter said the prayers and good wishes from around the world had been heard.



1964年他被南非政府以“企图暴力推翻政府”为由关入罗本岛监狱。27年牢狱生涯不改他反种族主义、建立平等自由新南非的信念。1994年5月,曼德拉当选南非首位黑人总统。 点击观看>>


I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

每当想起曼德拉的传奇人生,耳畔都会想起香港歌手黄家驹曾为他写下的《光辉岁月》:“今天只有残留的躯壳,迎接光辉岁月,风雨中抱紧自由,一生经过彷徨的挣扎,自信可改变未来,问谁又能做到!” 曼德拉的“光辉岁月”所昭示的梦想、奋斗与远见留给我们很多思考。我们衷心地祝福曼德拉早日战胜病魔,续写传奇人生。
