



1.Gossip Girl here - your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan’s elite.

One and only – 唯一的

(1)This is my one and only chance.

(2)You are my one and only.

(3)“I dare you to let me be your, your one and only.”   -Adele

One of a kind – 独一无二

(1)This vintage Dior dress is one of a kind.

(2)He’s really one of a kind.

(3)G-Dragon: One of a Kind

2.He tries to take his own life, and you're worried it's gonnacost you, mom?

It’s gonnacost you/This is gonnacost you – 这个是有代价的!

(1)A: Hey can you watch my dog while I’m away?

B: Sure, but it’s gonnacost you.

(2)Ditching class is really gonnacost me.

(3)Today’s meal is gonnacost you.  I plan on ordering lobster!

3.You think I got a shot at a second date?

Shot (n) – 机会,希望

Why don’t you take a shot at asking her out?

After bombing that interview, I don’t think I have a good shot at getting the job anymore.  Damn!

Shot (n) – 一小杯酒

Take a shot with me!

Let’s do some tequila shots!  (龙舌兰酒)

1 tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila, FOUR.

5 tequila, 6 tequila, 7 tequila, FLOOR!

4.We upper, east sidersdon't do lazy.

I don’t do fried food. = 我不吃油炸食品。

We were doing 140 on the highway!  = 我们在高架上开140公里。

She doesn’t do KTV.   = 她不喜欢去KTV。

5.This is me.

Girl: Well, this is me.

Boy: Ok, good night.  (Tries to get a good bye kiss)

