

2010-10-09 08:20
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When you fall head-over-heels in love, you will have a heavy price to pay: Two close friends, on average, scientists have discovered.Research has shown that when people start a new romantic relationship they are likely to lose two members of their inner circle of friends.One is sacrificed to make way for the new partner, and the other disappears due to being ignored for too long, scientists believe.


Expensive: The cost of finding love is, on average, two inner circle friends, scientists have found Previous research has shown that friendships can wither if insufficient effort is put into maintaining them. Psychologists also know that people have 'layers' of intimate and more distant friends. Typically, people have a small number of around five 'inner circle' friends who they can confide in. It is these friendships that can be sacrificed for love, according to the new research outlined today at the British Science Festival at Aston University in Birmingham.Study leader Professor Robin Dunbar, from Oxford University, said: “We've just shown that if you have a romantic relationship it actually costs you two friends.”


More than 100 men and women aged 18 to 60 took part in the internet-based study which involved answering questions about romantic relationships and friendships. Although women tend to be more socially active than men, both sexes tended to lose the same number of friends when they found a new romantic partner.

