
畅谈世界文化:19 格林童话 (2/2)



The Brothers Grimm
Children's and Household Tales 《儿童与家庭故事集》
Grimm's Fairy Tales
It was around that time they started to collect folk and fairy tales. Folklore are stories that have been passed down from parents to children, by word of mouth, but at that time many had not been published in books. The Brothers Grimm were very interested in German folklore and anything that included German culture. Jacob and Wilhelm published their first book of fairy tales Children's and Household Tales in 1812. There were 86 folktales. Everyone must have been so happy to finally see all of these stories together in one place. It was someone's duty to write them down, because if stories are passed along only orally they can easily be changed or forgotten altogether. In the next volume of Grimm's Fairy Tales, the brothers added 70 more stories. It went on growing like this for six more editions. Finally, the book contained over 200 stories! You know, I think it's probably the best known work of German literature. Yes, even if you don't know who the brothers are, you must know at least one of their stories.
从那时起他们就开始收集民俗和童话故事,民间故事是指那些从父辈以口相传到孩子辈的故事,那时,这些故事多没有集结成书。 格林兄弟对德国的民间故事和德国文化很感兴趣。 1812年,Jacob和Wilhelm出版了他们的第一本民间故事集,包含有86个民间故事的《儿童与家庭故事集》。 当看到这些故事最后集中到一块的时候,所有人都会很高兴。应该有人将这些故事记录下来,因为只是以口相传,这些故事会被曲解或者忘却。 在格林通话的下一卷中,格林兄弟增加了70个故事。接下去的6个版本中他们每次不断增加故事,最后,这本书包含了200多个故事。 你知道的,这大概会是德国文学史上最有名的作品了。 是的,即使你不知道格林兄弟是谁,你至少也听过一个格林童话中的故事。 ——译文来自: 时光尾巴