
畅谈世界文化:57 星光熠熠好莱坞 (2/2)

2011-10-15 11:10
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Beverly Hills 比弗利山庄
National Register of Historic Places 历史古迹国家注册处
At this time movie stars actually lived in Hollywood? Of course nowadays they would get mobbed everyday if they lived there, so they moved out to Beverly Hills. During the 1960s more and more businesses started to move out of Hollywood, and the nightclubs and bars moved to the west. Hollywood today is a diverse, vital, and active community striving to preserve the elegant buildings from its past. But most of the movie industry is still there, right? But I guess the outward appearance of the neighbourhood has changed. How are they protecting the buildings? In 1985, the Hollywood Boulevard commercial and entertainment district was officially listed in the National Register of Historic Places. This will protect the neighbourhood's important buildings so that Hollywood's past can be seen in the future. Great! So when you finally have enough money to visit, everything will still be there, just the way it used to be.
相关热点: 考研英语复习