

Ideo 2009-07-14 12:03
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2. 每周一和周五出节目。
3. 本期节目奖励 金钱100 经验20 魅力20。
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As summer approaches, there is good news and bad in our latest Insider Advantage poll. With terrorism in the back of our minds and a terrible economy in the front of it, only 17 percent of American adults say they plan to travel less this summer than in the past, 24percent say they will travel more and the rest say nothing has changed this vacation season from past ones. That's the good news but the pool portends some bad news, too, indicating what might be a deep-seated problem in the United States today, harder to fathom than terrorist killer or empty wallets. The only age group that has more ambitious travel plans than ever is the 18-29 age group showing a44 percent jump in vacation plans over last year.

Beyond that, the wide disparity in travel plans among the younger and older says something about the just-out-of-college generation. Without impugning the work ethic of the many exceptions to the rule, I think it's safe to say anyone with experience with the younger end of the workforce must have been taken aback seem to expect a salary based on their personal needs, not on their company's professional ones. They want not only luxuries but also plenty of time to enjoy them.

Old people like me are all the same in out bitter grousing and of course there are loads of hardworking young doctors, lawyers, businesspeople and others who contribute to their own individual and our collective entitlement without personal sacrifice can most fairly be put on the shoulders of the generations that immediately precede them. This nation has changed its way of thinking about work and relaxation .What used to be a day's holiday has morphed into a long weekend that starts on Thursday and ends nest Tuesday.

I find it unsurprising that young adults plan to travel more than ever this year, in spite of the hard times. They look to be following the road of less productivity in American, a road first mapped by their preceding elders, and now being paved by their offspring .It's good to see young people venturing forth to see the world they live in. after all, youth is a fleeting thing but let's just hope that when they finally return from their travels, they still have a job to pay for it.

16 According to the author, there is a trend
A for people to travel more during hard times
B for younger people to delay working by travelling first
C for travelers to spend less
D for younger travelers to be unrealistic as they travel

17. Which of the following does NOT account for young people travelling more?
A The hard economic times
B Their need for instant gratification
C Expectations that they have a right to pleasure
D A lack of sacrifice

18 The author's main concern with young adults travelling more is
A the increase it will have over unemployment
B a shortage of labor may rise
C that they do not spend much
D it demonstrates their lack of work ethic

19, The word "entitlement" in the text (Line4, Para 3) probably means
A ethics B arrogance
C privilege D philosophy

20. What scenario does the author wish for young people when arrive back from their travels?
A a new appreciation of work
B work availability
C a change in ethics
D a new sense of purpose

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