

kers 2009-04-26 00:39
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出处:The New York Times


ALCALÁ de HENARES, Spain - Six years after the Spanish construction boom lured him here from his native Romania, Constantin Marius Craiova is going home, another victim of the bust that is reversing the human tide that has transformed Europe in the past decade.

六年前被西班牙的建设热吸引,离开故乡罗马尼亚的Constantin Marius Craiova,如今就要回家了。在过去十年里曾改变了欧洲的移民潮,现在风光不再,而他正是低迷中的受害者之一。

"Everyone says in Romania there's no work," Mr. Craiova, 30, said with a touch of bravado as he lifted his mirrored Ray-Bans onto his forehead. "If there are 26 million people there, they have to do something. I want to see for myself."


Mr. Craiova, who is planning to return to Romania next month, is one of millions of immigrants from Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa who have flocked to fast-growing places like Spain, Ireland and Britain in the past decade, drawn by low unemployment and liberal immigration policies.

But in a marked sign of how quickly the economies of Western Europe have deteriorated, workers like Mr. Craiova are now heading home, hoping to find better job prospects, or at least lower costs of living, in their native lands.


In many ways, this is what the European Union was meant to be, a zone where workers could move freely in search of jobs. But as the economic crisis deepens, fault lines are emerging across the Continent, where borders may be porous but national identities remain fixed.


Indeed, while all workers are theoretically equal under European rules, some may be more equal than others as national, or even local, concerns come to the fore.


">Consider Ireland's capital, which earned the nickname Dublinski as roughly 180,000 Poles, Czechs and other Eastern Europeans went there in search of work after the European Union expanded in 2004. Now, a stunning rise in the unemployment rate, currently 11 percent, is making even the most recent arrivals rethink their plans.











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